Monday, 30 November 2009

Radio Production Progress: Editing Session

Monday 30th November

Today we met up in the Gatehouse and assigned ourselves sections of our recordings to edit. I took the Introduction and Conclusion, Carlina looked at the History/Bio Section and Ant has started work on the Interview section.

We have each worked through and basically edited our sections for breaths, pops and any slip ups.

Our next stage is to piece all of the pieces together and set the levels with the backing track.

As an extra play around I took a piece of recording Carlina did of the phrase "One Nation Under Art" and put it through various filters to try and add something to our current jingle. We did not end up using it as it sounded too much "like a Dalek" but it gave me a chance to have a go with the different filters and how they affect audio.

I applied distortion, modulation and pitch shift but the final product wasn't really fitting with the ambiance of the rest of our radio piece.

Friday, 27 November 2009

Final Cut Pro

In todays session using Google Documents  I created an instructional slideshow on the basic tools/uses with Final Cut Pro.

We used screen shots from Final Cut Pro using clips loaded onto the Macs.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Google Documents

As a class in Tuesdays session we created a collective document using Google Documents.

Here is a video from You Tube explaining basically the purpose of Google Documents:

This is our final slideshow about copyright...I think the fluffy cat adds that certain something to the presentation!

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Radio Production Progress: Team Meeting 24th Nov

Tues 24th Nov, 2.15pm, Gatehouse

Present: Ant, Carlina, Kirsty
Not Present: N/A

Progress Summary: K had no replies from any of the teachers contacted at Sion Hill, so having to re think interviewees. Chosen 2 students (as it is still fitting with being a student radio production)

Action Points:
  • Sort out when and who is booking out equipment
  • Have recordings done by the end of the week
  • Plan what we want to include in the summarising minute of the programme
Next Meeting:  Fri 27th Nov

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Soundscape Assessment

I chose to do my soundscape of shopping, through my recording I found it leaned more towards supermarket shopping.

Here is the link to download my finished edit.

The problems I found during the recording that as I was always recording in crowded areas there was a lot of background noise and I found it hard to get clear cut sounds such as till beeps.

I found the editing stage quite easy to do once I got into it, but it was most difficult knowing where to start! I wanted to tell a story in that it starts by someone getting out cash, their trip to the shops (fom quiet to quite chaotic) and ending with them leaving. I did not aim to make it sound realistic which is why the middle section is a jumble of sounds.

Hope you like it, comments welcome!

Friday, 13 November 2009

Panorama Ephemera vs Brian Eno

n todays session we practiced using Final Cut Pro to edit together footage from Panorama Ephermera together with the song America Is Waiting by Brian Eno&David Byrne:

Taking sections of our choice from the film we took a one minute section of the film and edited together using a sequence. Using FCP we used tools such as markers, making subclips and editing audio levels as well as adding some effects.

The main problem I had with the excercise was having to contstantly render the video in order to watch it during the editing process. In therms of the music there weren't many good hit points either which made it quite difficult to arrange the video sequences.

This however is what I came up with =]

Ephemera vs David Byrne from Kirsty F on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Radio Production Progress: Script for Biography

As part of our radio show we will have a biography/history about Banksy, this is what I have come up with within the context of the programme!



The first question we need to answer is: who is Banksy? Well, officially no one knows though there are rumours his real name is Robin Gunningham, though as with any guesses about his identity, Banksy denies all often replying with “I am unable to comment on who may or may not be Banksy, but anyone described as being 'good at drawing' doesn't sound like Banksy to me.”

What we do know is he is a graffiti artist originally from Bristol born in mid 1970's, who began by doing free hand work within the underground Bristol scene in the early 1990’s. In the late 90’s Banksy developed his renowned stencil work which got his work more noticed in both Bristol and London.

Though his artwork can now be found all over the world, it was not until October 2008 that Banksy had his first official public exhibition. Held in New York it opened on October 5th and was called “Village Pet Store And Charcoal Grill”. With only 8,500 visitors it is safe to say his more recent exhibition in Bristol was far more successful reaching that amount of visitors in the opening weekend and over 300000 over the 13 weeks the work was displayed.

Though Banksy is a non-profit artist, his pieces have sold for up to £290000 at auction to art fans and celeb fans including Christina Aguliera, Angelina Jolie, Jude Law and Keanu Reeves.

For an artist with such a high profile he is no stranger to controversy. Westminster City Council deemed his work graffiti and their policy is to remove any graffiti regardless of creator or their reputation. So in April 2009 his piece “One Nation Under CCTV” was painted over just a year after it was painted. The political undertone of his work is also often seen as unsavoury, however on more than one occassion the public have given overwhelming supporting to keeping his work up in their area.

But what we really want to find out now is what does Banksy mean to you?

[Vox pops]
[Concluding minute]

Radio Production Progress: Team Meeting

As I was the only one present  in this afternoons session I had a meeting with our tutor Mike to discuss the progress being made within the project. At the start of the session we were told about group work and how to take minutes of meetings so here are the minutes of my "group" meeting.

10th November 2.30pm, Gatehouse

Attending: Kirsty, Mike
Not attending: Carlina, Ant

  • Discuss progress
  • Assign action points to group members
  • Set deadlines
  • Set time/place for next meeting
Progress summary: Structure for radio show has been set, Kirsty has started scripting the biography section, Carlina has started work on the interview question, Ant has arranged at least one interviewee

Action Points:
  • K: Finish biography by 11/11 then try and contact interviewee's
  • C: Script interview/vox pop questions
  • A: Find&confirm interviewee's
  • As a group: Set recording dates and book equipment
Deadlines: After looking at the final deadline (8th December) we worked backwards and set the following dates as guidelines to have completed certain tasks.
  • Record interviews week beginning 16th November
  • Finish recording 20th November
  • Editing process 27th November
  • Aim to finish by 4th December
  • Final Deadline 8th December
Next Meeting: Thurs 13th November

Friday, 6 November 2009

Radio Production Progress: Banksy

On Tuesday we pitched our idea for our programme to Mike and Holly, we got their approval and some additional comments so the next step is to start planning our recording schedule.

The following things need to be completed before we can actually go out recording:
  • Script the opening 2 minutes of introduction and Banksy biography
  • Come up with an opening jingle
  • Contact people we wish to interview/do vox pop with
  • Plan what questions we wish to ask
The final conclusion minute of the programme probably wont be able to be written until we have gathered our recordings from people as we cannot predict at this stage what they are going to say.

In terms of stages of recording I see us needing 3 sessions:
  1. Recording the opening section
  2. Going out and recording the interviews/vox pops
  3. Recording the concluding minute
This will of course be followed by the editing process which may be quite time consuming!

Warning Photomontage Final

The excercise was this: Your montage should demonstrate an understanding of the narrative affect of combining images.  Duration 90 seconds to 120 seconds.
Using Final Cut Pro, I put together my photomontage which lasts around 1min 53secs. My pictures were taken on a day trip to Bristol and the song I have used is Warning by Green Day.

I found it difficult to decide which transitions I wanted to use, as I thought simply using straight cuts between photos would look rather amateur. Also with using a song that is quite well known I didn't want it to look too tacky.

This is my final piece uploaded to Vimeo, comments welcome =]

Warning Photomontage from Kirsty F on Vimeo.

Soundscape Progress

The next stage in making my soundscape is to come up with a list of the sounds I want to capture and after that I need to schedule when I am going to get them recorded in order to make the most of my time with the equipment.

As my soundscape is about shopping I want to get the following sounds and where I plan on recording them:
  • General high street crowd noise: Bath high street/Southgate shopping centre
  • Bell when door opens: Bakery on Chelsea Road, Bath (with their permission)
  • Scanner noise/beep: Sainsburys (or generated in Logic if there is too much background noise)
  • Rustling shopping bags: at home
  • Cash register&money: Bath Spa SU Shop (with their permission)
  • Automatic doors opening: a shop in Southgate with auto doors.
  • Tannoy announcements and tinny sounding shop music: Sainsburys often has tannoy announcements
  • Sound of trolleys: Sainsburys
  • Cars going to shops: any road in Bath

Montage Ideas

For my montage I am going to take the theme of warnings

I will mainly use still shots covering different warning signs and examples of when authority tells us what to do. To do this I want to get at least one shot of each of the following things:
  • Road signs
  • Warnings (e.g. wet floor signs)
  • Pedestrian crossings
  • Pay&display
For my song I will be using Warning by Green Day as the lyrics are very relevant and it also would give a light hearted look at the excessive amounts of warnings and direction we are given everyday. It may lead watchers to question whether they are really neccessary?