Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Instructional Video: Final Edit


As promised here is the final edit of our instructional cooking video filmed last week:

1..2..3.. cooking show from Anthony Sahdev on Vimeo.

Overall I am really happy with our video but if I were to approach the project again I would experiment with using a voice over as the projects I have seen by other groups have used this really well. I feel as though we have met the criteria of the task.
The thing I found difficult as I'm sure the rest of the groups did was many of the recipies could take anything up to or over 10 minutes to make in real life and having to condense that down into instructions of 3 minutes was quite hard.

I like the style we did our video in as if I were to be making the food I like not having the distraction of having a presenter and delivering short, clear instructions with simple visuals that are easy to follow.

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