This first video is for a music video. I like how the director explains the concept behind the video (particularly useful when it comes to an obscure character like Lady Gaga!) which you would not learn from just watching the video alone. The story is the main focus of the video and you also learn things about it such as the location where it was filmed which again is something you cannot learn from watching the music video by itself. There is very little focus on the stars, just a brief bit of talk from Beyonce at the end.
ROBIN HOOD: Behind-the-Scenes Featurette. Watch more top selected videos about: Mark Strong, Cate Blanchett
This seconds video (found on Metacafe) focuses on the stars of the film telling us about the story. All the footage is from the movie itself and there is little extra to be learnt about locations etc. It gives very little about the story away which makes you want to go watch the film so it seems like this film was made assuming it would be used before/upon the films release as use as advertisement.